Conflict Resolution
National Conflict Resolution Center: Mediator (2014-present)
Rotary International Speaker and Ambassador (2013-present)
Olive Tree Initiative Boards Member: Student (2011) and National (2013- present)
Center for Citizen Peace-building Board Member: (2010-present)
Orange County Human Relations Volunteer Mediator (2012-2013)
Department of Justice Community Relations Service, Region 9 Internship (2011)
UCI Peace Initiative Mediator (2011)
Guatemala Service Trip: English Teaching and School Development (2010)
Academic Field
International Society for Political Psychology Panel Chair (2013)
Reviewer: International Journal of Educational Research and Development
Reviewer: Political Psychology (2013)
UCI Ombudsman’s Office: Volunteer Interviewer (2012)
UCI Department of Political Science Graduate Student Representative (2012 - present)
UCI Political Science Graduate Student Graduate Student Association Peer-to-Peer Committee (2013, founding member)
University of Chicago Alumni Committee: Member (2010- present)
National Conflict Resolution Center: Mediator (2014-present)
Rotary International Speaker and Ambassador (2013-present)
Olive Tree Initiative Boards Member: Student (2011) and National (2013- present)
Center for Citizen Peace-building Board Member: (2010-present)
Orange County Human Relations Volunteer Mediator (2012-2013)
Department of Justice Community Relations Service, Region 9 Internship (2011)
UCI Peace Initiative Mediator (2011)
Guatemala Service Trip: English Teaching and School Development (2010)
Academic Field
International Society for Political Psychology Panel Chair (2013)
Reviewer: International Journal of Educational Research and Development
Reviewer: Political Psychology (2013)
UCI Ombudsman’s Office: Volunteer Interviewer (2012)
UCI Department of Political Science Graduate Student Representative (2012 - present)
UCI Political Science Graduate Student Graduate Student Association Peer-to-Peer Committee (2013, founding member)
University of Chicago Alumni Committee: Member (2010- present)