Peer Reviewed Publications:
Willingness to engage in intergroup contact: A multi-level approach (with Yiftach Ron, Tamar Saguy and Eran Halperin). Accepted for publication in Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology for special issue “Contact between Groups, Peace and Conflict.”
Book Chapters:
Multiplying Educational Perspectives: An Evaluation of The Olive Tree Initiative as an Experiential Education and Reconciliation Program (Brunstetter, Solomon, & Wehrenfennig) in Del Felice, C. and A. Wisler (2015) (eds.). Peace education evaluation: Learning from experience and exploring prospects. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
Working Papers:
Willingness for Contact: An Empirical Review of Power and Contact Willingness (with Yiftach Ron, Tamar Saguy and Eran Halperin; in preparation for submission)
Routinization: A Psychological Examination of the Normalcy and Symbology of Intractable Conflict (with Daniel Bar-Tal; in preparation for submission)
Toward a Non Zero Sum Identity: Shifting Diaspora Perceptions of the Self and Other through Inter-Group Contact (under review at Political Psychology)
Empowering Women through Contact: Psycho-Social Change in US Inter-Diaspora Dialogue Programs (in preparation for submission to Group Processes & Intergroup Relations)
Conference Presentations:
2015: Empowering Women through Contact (Midwest Political Science Association hereafter referred to as MPSA)
2014: Willingness for Contact: Mapping Barriers and Motivations (Solomon and Ron; International Society for Political Psychology hereafter referred to as ISPP)
2013: Contact in Hearts and Minds Diplomacy: Psycho-Social Change in People to People Peace Dialogue Programs (ISPP)
2012: Evaluating Transformation: Constructing an Evaluation Protocol for Peace Dialogue Programs (MPSA)
2011: Possibilities for Reconciliation through Targeted Intervention: Narrative and Psychological Change in the Olive Tree Initiative (Solomon and Brunstetter) (MPSA)
2010: In Context: A Study of Morality among First and Second Generation South Asian Indian-Americans (ISPP)
& Forgive but Never Forget: Possibilities for Reconciliation through Targeted Intervention (ISPP)
2009: Images of the ‘Ideal’ President and of the Candidates: Data from the 2008 Campaign (Joseph and Solomon; ISPP)
Media Quotes and References:
Quoted in A Jew and a Muslim? L.A.-based NewGround wants to show we can all get along by Jonah Lowenfeld
My dissertation, under the supervision of Carrie Menkel-Meadow (chair), Kristen Monroe, Daniel Brunstetter (Committee), David Snow, and Richard Matthew (Advancement Committee) focuses on psycho-social impact of inter-group dialogue programs addressing diaspora Jewish Muslim tensions.
Willingness to engage in intergroup contact: A multi-level approach (with Yiftach Ron, Tamar Saguy and Eran Halperin). Accepted for publication in Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology for special issue “Contact between Groups, Peace and Conflict.”
Book Chapters:
Multiplying Educational Perspectives: An Evaluation of The Olive Tree Initiative as an Experiential Education and Reconciliation Program (Brunstetter, Solomon, & Wehrenfennig) in Del Felice, C. and A. Wisler (2015) (eds.). Peace education evaluation: Learning from experience and exploring prospects. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Press.
Working Papers:
Willingness for Contact: An Empirical Review of Power and Contact Willingness (with Yiftach Ron, Tamar Saguy and Eran Halperin; in preparation for submission)
Routinization: A Psychological Examination of the Normalcy and Symbology of Intractable Conflict (with Daniel Bar-Tal; in preparation for submission)
Toward a Non Zero Sum Identity: Shifting Diaspora Perceptions of the Self and Other through Inter-Group Contact (under review at Political Psychology)
Empowering Women through Contact: Psycho-Social Change in US Inter-Diaspora Dialogue Programs (in preparation for submission to Group Processes & Intergroup Relations)
Conference Presentations:
2015: Empowering Women through Contact (Midwest Political Science Association hereafter referred to as MPSA)
2014: Willingness for Contact: Mapping Barriers and Motivations (Solomon and Ron; International Society for Political Psychology hereafter referred to as ISPP)
2013: Contact in Hearts and Minds Diplomacy: Psycho-Social Change in People to People Peace Dialogue Programs (ISPP)
2012: Evaluating Transformation: Constructing an Evaluation Protocol for Peace Dialogue Programs (MPSA)
2011: Possibilities for Reconciliation through Targeted Intervention: Narrative and Psychological Change in the Olive Tree Initiative (Solomon and Brunstetter) (MPSA)
2010: In Context: A Study of Morality among First and Second Generation South Asian Indian-Americans (ISPP)
& Forgive but Never Forget: Possibilities for Reconciliation through Targeted Intervention (ISPP)
2009: Images of the ‘Ideal’ President and of the Candidates: Data from the 2008 Campaign (Joseph and Solomon; ISPP)
Media Quotes and References:
Quoted in A Jew and a Muslim? L.A.-based NewGround wants to show we can all get along by Jonah Lowenfeld
My dissertation, under the supervision of Carrie Menkel-Meadow (chair), Kristen Monroe, Daniel Brunstetter (Committee), David Snow, and Richard Matthew (Advancement Committee) focuses on psycho-social impact of inter-group dialogue programs addressing diaspora Jewish Muslim tensions.